Annual RCB Library Membership
The RCB Library holds over 70,000 books and pamphlets, the vast majority of which are available to borrow.
The primary areas are theology and church history, but there is also an extensive range of books about Irish history, biography, ethics, biblical studies, spirituality, homiletics, pastoralia, liturgy, mission and comparative religion. Over 50,000 books and pamphlets are catalogued and are searchable through the online catalogue:
In addition to this range of books, the RCB Library has a subscription to a number of journals.
You can see a full list by clicking here:
Items which are not available in the Library can be obtained through the inter–library loan facility.
Membership of the RCB Library is open to all, on the recommendation of a member of the clergy, or another Library Member. We have two types of membership.
You can join on an annual basis, which costs €5:
Or you can join as a life member, which costs just €40: