Bishops’ Appeal is the Church’s World Aid and Development Programme. It was set up by the Bishops of the Church in response to the commands in the Bible to bring good news to the poor and relief to the suffering.

Bishops’ Appeal works through partner non–governmental organisations and mission agencies to implement Our Lord Jesus Christ’s ‘mission statement’ to feed the hungry, lift the burden of poverty from the poor and bring freedom and hope to the oppressed. It does not fund development and emergency work directly. Our partners have the local knowledge and resources to ensure that projects for which they apply for funding are of maximum benefit to the peoples and areas in which they work.
Bishops’ Appeal contributes to relief of suffering in time of emergencies whether natural or man–made. However, our main concern is to support ongoing development in the fields of sustainable agriculture, health, including HIV/AIDS, and education in many parts of the world. We aim to enable people to have more control over their own lives and futures so that they are less dependent on others than they are today.
Half the world’s population live on less than two dollars a day; indeed, over 300 million people in sub–Saharan Africa live on less than one dollar a day. It is estimated that 30,000 people die every day from poverty related diseases. The Christian Church cannot remain silent in the face of this ongoing tragedy and injustice. Bishops’ Appeal is the Church of Ireland’s voice calling for an end to this suffering and working with others to make a difference where it can.
- to educate the Church at home about the needs and concerns of people in the less developed world and the causes of poverty;
- to encourage Church members to examine the reasons for the problems facing the less fortunate in the world and to consider what we can do to change conditions;
- to reach out in God’s name to those who need our help;
- to encourage informed prayer and prayerful action aimed at strengthening the poor; to raise the funds needed to allow Bishops’ Appeal to support development projects and alleviate the suffering caused by disasters, both natural and man–made.
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Republic of Ireland Registered Charity Number: 20019068 (CHY 8026)
Northern Ireland Charity Number: 101325